+ in English,  Working with Dreams

What Dreams may come…

DREAM: Veronica is standing in the long green grass, it’s real grass, but she knows that she painted it. There is a trunk of tree next to her. Veronica takes her paintbrush and starts painting flowers right in the air. She painted a lilac tree, but she is not satisfied with her result and she continues painting. It’s white acacia now.

She continues painting when a man comes. He says that it’s really beautiful and it smells like in heaven. Veronica wants to explain that the tree is painted, therefore it can’t smell. She turns her head in the direction of this man and she starts feeling this heavenly smell as well.


This dream was posted in internet and different people were giving their versions of interpretations. Most of the interpretations were proposing the idea that the dreamer is creating her future. But Veronica’s own initial interpretation was quite opposite: she thought that her dream was pointing to her false belief in some unrealistic fantasy. Though she was happy to receive different perspective on her dream from others.

What’s important is that Veronica’s initial request for interpretation of this dream was about the meaning of its ending. Intuitively she knew that it’s the second part of her dream that had a valuable message for her.

And it turned out to be true. The second part of her dream addresses her biggest obstacle: disbelief in her ability to create real life experiences by “painting them”. Painting can symbolize creating a certain picture or outcome through the process of visualization, imagination and experiencing it through emotions and thoughts (“painting it in her mind”).

She said that the result of such creative process “can’t have any scent”. In this particular dream “smell” symbolizes an atmosphere/surrounding with tangible qualities that can be perceived with our senses. In other words, smell is an indicator of real-life environment, of physical manifestation of her creative process.

Though the man from Veronica’s dream was able to feel the “heavenly scent” of her painting. As a dream character this man represents Veronica’s aspect (masculine type: related with mind/brain) who perceives her creation as a real thing. And when she “turns her head in this direction” (when she starts thinking that way too, believing that it’s real) she is able to feel this scent too and to experience the reality that she painted in her head. “Heaven on Earth”, according to her dream. 

It means that if you want to create your real-life experience, you have to believe that it’s possible.
That was keeping Veronica from manifesting her dreams in her real life – her disbelieve in their tangible qualities.

As a side note: another interesting point of this dream is about our ability to create and re-create reality (when Veronica painted white acacia instead of the lilac tree). It means that if you are not satisfied with your current circumstances, then don’t accept this picture as the only possible result of your creation. Don’t stop painting until you feel good about the picture.

This is an example of a dream that has messages for everyone who resonates with them. We are the Creators of our own reality. So, let’s use our creative ability to paint the picture that WE truly want in our HEARTS! We have the Power to create a real Heaven on Earth. It’s such an inspiring and encouraging message, isn’t it?

Author © Margarita AoteaRa.com
Images: “What dreams may come” (1998) – screenshots from the movie