+ in English,  Working with Dreams

Dreams during the crisis

It happened that I’m administrating two Russian-speaking dream-interpretation groups on Fb that are big enough for accumulating quite reasonable statistical data (more than 40K current members). Since the Russian community hasn’t been largely present on Fb, these two dream-interpretation groups consist mostly of Ukrainians, a smaller fraction of people from former Soviet republics and some Russian nationals who mostly live abroad. In this post I’d like to share some of my observations regarding the dreaming experience of people directly affected by the military conflict and information wars in the hope that some of these ideas might be useful for everyone to take into account, because as a collective consciousness we share this experience together.

First and the most important observation is related with people’s attitude towards their dreams that became more obvious now, during the crisis, than before. There is a tendency to think that interpreting dreams is some sort of an entertainment activity therefore some people believe that it’s immoral to share dreams and to talk about them during the time when the world around them is literally falling apart.

With all my experience and knowledge of genuine dreamwork, I can assure you that dreams during the time of physical destruction are more important than ever, because they are able to prevent further destruction: on mental, emotional and spiritual levels. When our external world is shaking and crumbling, dreams are primarily focused on protecting the balance and integrity of the internal world of the dreamer. This balancing function of dreams is closely related with the higher perspective of reality where Internal world (means, real) is more important than External world (which is illusionary). So saying “no” to the messages from Higher Self during the time when this guidance is most needed, is a very big mistake.

Of course, in the most cases, dreams need to be properly decoded in order to understand their guidance. Let’s look at the dreams landscape based on a statistical observation of 40K+ dreamers who are currently affected by the military and/or information war crises.

1. There are much more dreams that feature water, but surprisingly it’s not about the waters of stormy seas (which may symbolise emotional outbreak). Multiple scenarios of the current dreams present the pools of water where dreamers dive in (or have to walk through).

In the most cases it seems that these waters symbolically represent places where information is being stored and shared. And very often these dreams point to the painful/dangerous encounters with the inhabitants of these waters, basically advising the dreamers not to dive into these sources.

Such dreams may be interpreted as a warning to stay away from certain sources of information and/or internet communities that turned into disgraceful places of verbal abuse and personal attacks.

2. There are more dreams than usual about problems with teeth. Though in some cultural traditions the symbolism of teeth may be associated with loss of family members, such symbolism is quite rare and the most common interpretation of teeth-related dreams is connected with communication, speech and words.

It looks like many current dreams are pointing to the situations where dreamers aren’t able to control their words and/or suffering internally from speaking about “wrongdoings”. Dreams, using their Free-Will-preserving metaphoric language, are hinting to the dreamers that certain style of communication is damaging and hurting their own world.

3. Toilet theme. These days there is a stronger tendency in dreams to show that dreamers visit places/situations where the toxic residue of difficult life experiences / consumed information and/or overwhelming emotions is being shared, disposed and thrown at each other. Some dreamers see the scenes of falling into the toilets.

Practical usefulness of this type of dreams would be in defining the real-life situations that these dreams are describing metaphorically as “being in a toilet”, so that the dreamer may consciously decide if participating in such scenarios is something that they really need and/or desire to experience.

4. Misplaced earrings. There are more frequent and almost identical scenarios where the dreamer gives away or takes back from someone their own earrings. The message hidden in such dreams may be related with necessity of using dreamer’s own ability to listen what’s being told and not to give away this ability/responsibility to someone else.

5. Disorientation. Even though many current dreams can be unified by the subject of losing one’s path, very often their scenarios imply the idea of previous road still being intact and available. These dreams sometimes show that the dreamer took a ride from someone and that’s why they ended up on the wrong path. So all they need to do is to leave this ride (or to stop being distracted by something in the environment) and to walk back (to their bus stop or to their familiar street) in order to find their way that is still there.

These dreams are the most positive in the difficult situations as they show that nothing of real importance was lost and the life journey can continue in spite of the current circumstances.

* * *

Of course, the categories above are not the only types of dreams that people are having these days. Also, it’s useful to take into account that we have access only to the dreams that people are willing to share with the whole world. But looking at the general picture is still very useful as it demonstrates a noticeable shift in dreaming experience towards particular subjects of communication, information and disorientation. The messages hidden in such dreams are very important as they designed to aid protection of the inner world of the dreamers and to secure integrity of dreamer’s interaction with their external environment. If the dreamer is ready to accept this guidance, of course (hence these messages are encrypted).

Author © Margarita AoteaRa, 04.03.2022