+ in English,  Working with Dreams

Recurring Dreams

In the course of life almost everyone has experienced recurring dreams to a certain degree. Such occurrences can vary from having just a few similar dreams during the whole life to watching the same dreams with identical scenarios every night or even within one night.

Obviously there should be a serious reason for having such unordinary experience, otherwise why would our dream guides be trying to bring our attention again and again to something relatively unimportant?

Let’s try to see what is the purpose of recurring dreams. Of course, there are as many ways to see the dreams as there are many dreamers, but generally speaking recurring dreams are reflecting recurring patterns that exist in our life. Most probably these patterns are not beneficial for our growth and wellbeing. So, they need to be, first of all, seen and after that – properly worked with. And dreams are usually pointing at these patterns and in addition they may provide some precious clues about dealing with these recurring distortions.

It’s worth mentioning that finding these patterns of our thoughts, feelings, habitual actions and reactions in response to certain circumstances is not always easy from the very first trial. If these aspects have been existing with us for so long without being noticed, it means that we are either not able to see them or not considering them detrimental.

This is why having a dream journal/diary is not only beneficial for working with any dreams, but it may be crucial for deciphering certain recurring dreams, owning to the fact that recognizing a pattern requires to see more than one picture or single occurrence. Obviously relying just on our memory may be not enough for retrieving such big volume of information.

So, if you have a diary where you keep records of your dreams and where you mention external events of your life as well, including your feelings, thoughts and reactions to certain external circumstances, then it should be relatively easy to go back in your journal and to find your previous dreams with similar scenarios as your new dream.

After that, when you compare your past and present records of the situation in your outer and inner worlds, you may find some common characteristics, perhaps in terms of similar people or events affecting your state of being. Or you may discover any other type of resemblance that can be seen as a pattern of feeling / thinking / reacting / behaving / acting etc.

Understanding the symbolism of your recurring dreams would play significant role in finding the hidden clues and solutions for working with unfavorable pattern. But even if you managed only to pinpoint the typical conditions of this pattern, it’s already a big victory and it may provide enough material to start working with.

If you weren’t journaling your dreams and experiences so far, but would like to decipher recurring dreams and/or learn more about your dreams, perhaps it’s not too late to start it now: you will see how much clearer your vision of life becomes with every new record in your diary!

Brief example of typical recurring dream

Many people report having multiple dreams about their partner (wife/husband) cheating on them. If real-life relationship between the partners is stable and they don’t experience any current challenges in this sphere of life, then such dreams may represent some sort of an inner conflict within dreamer’s own psyche.

Very briefly it can be described as a dreamer betraying him/herself in some area of life and maybe not sticking to their true commitment, inspiring goals, life-mission, truth, their own true nature, motivation coming from heart etc.

It’s not always easy to find something in our own actions or ideas that can be shamefully called “betrayal” or “cheating”, especially if our mind or ego is very confident about the chosen direction. But typical conflict between heart and mind (thoughts & feelings, inner male & female polarities etc.) is quite common, though in the waking state we normally don’t perceive it as the same kind of tragedy as it was presented in the dream.

Maybe from the perspective of our Soul it is a real tragedy when our mind gets attracted by something that is not coming from the soul? Or maybe we are too rigid trying to be perfect 100% of time and not allowing ourselves any flexibility for being just a human with inherent weaknesses towards distractions?… Obviously, only the dreamer is able to find answers to these questions and to ask other questions, specific to their personal situation.

Despite having similar or even identical dreams, every dreamer and every situation will be unique, so there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach when trying to retrieve a message from the dream.

Author: Margarita AoteaRa.com