Healing & Protection with the Divine Light Invocation
This is a yogic practice for using the power of our mind for healing & protecting ourselves and others with Light. The text below is copied from the book “Kundalini Yoga for the West” written by Swami Sivananda Radha (including…
Dreams as multifaceted objects
The quote below is especially useful when trying to decipher a dream that’s lacking a well-designed scenario or looks like a series of randomly selected scenes. In such cases it’s helpful to view the whole dream as a puzzle that…
Символизм времени Пасхальных праздников
Время между днем Весеннего Равноденствия и Пасхальным Воскресеньем – это своего рода астрономический туннель, когда Луна в своем движении к Полнолунию продолжает влиять на воды нашего подсознания и вытягивает из них, подставляя под яркие весенние лучи света сознания, те самые…
Dream Yoga, war and Q’uo
When working with dreams according to the principles of dream yoga, it’s important not only to decode the message of the dream, but also to apply this message in the real life. Without an application, dreamwork is superficial and can’t…
Dreams as a food for Soul
Waking up in the morning, feeling empowered and inspired, but seeing this mood evaporating with every new thought about the upcoming day… Sometimes the fleeting memory of being loved and connected in the dream state is so unbearable to lose,…
Dreams during the crisis
It happened that I’m administrating two Russian-speaking dream-interpretation groups on Fb that are big enough for accumulating quite reasonable statistical data (more than 40K current members). Since the Russian community hasn’t been largely present on Fb, these two dream-interpretation groups…
How to protect your Light
I already wrote about the methods of neutralising the influence of the negative entities through our dreams. Now I’d like to share some tips about dealing with this influence in our daily life.
Symbolism of people in our dreams
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Сны о проблемах, связанных с самооценкой
Если посмотреть на такие сны с точки зрения энергетики, то сновидения – это демонстрация результатов диагностики потоков энергии, проходящих через тело человека. В этой публикации мы частично рассмотрим энергии второй чакры (т.е. энергетического центра, соответствующего частоте вибраций оранжевого луча света).
Алгоритм работы со сновидением (от Q’uo)
You must be logged in to view this content. If you are a subscriber, please LOG IN. Or REGISTER if you are new to this site. ~ADVICE: Open the LOGIN or REGISTER page in a new window so that it…