+ in English,  Working with Dreams

Two practical tips for working with dreams

As you approach your sleeping time, ask yourself inwardly to dream truthful dreams and to remember them well, and, if you can, write them down. We think you will find this most helpful. It is to be remembered in analyzing dreams that a principle this instrument has learned from psychology is true. That is: each character in your dream is an aspect of yourself. This is a very large key to the analysis of many dreams.” – Q’uo

Dreams can help in many different ways. Besides their ability to assist in healing, they may function as a channel for teach/learning.

For example, dreams can provide answers to our casual or profound questions that were posed in the previous or next days. This is why it’s always useful to keep a mental track of existing questions, so that when working with a dream it would be possible to look at this dream from the perspective of it being an answer to specific question.

It’s not always the case (dreams being the answers), but if you create a special intention to get a dream with the answer to your question, then the chances of receiving this information are much higher. In this case it’s useful to remember what Q’uo said about the dream characters as the aspects of Self (important note: depending on the ability to feel Oneness, the definition of Self in the dream can be different for different dreamers: for some people the scope of their dream characters may be limited by the inner world of the Personal Self, but for others these limits are flexible or may not exist at all).

Another practical advice for working with dreams is to use a voice recorder instead of paper & pen when recording dreams (if it’s technically possible, of course). It will allow to retrieve and save more information from the dream because speaking is usually faster than writing, and this is a big advantage when we are trying to get hold of information that disappears with every second.

Also using a voice recorder doesn’t require to turn on the light, to sit up in bed and to concentrate on writing. Instead, one push of a button and speaking in a half-awake state allows to go back to sleep much easier. With such minimal sleep interruption you may be able to record significantly more dreams.

There are other practical tips and techniques, but these two (setting an intention and using the advantage of voice recorder) are quite general that can be used by anyone for improving their dreamwork practice.

Author © Margarita AoteaRa.com
