+ in English,  Working with Dreams

Training mind to remember dreams

“Are there some exercises that you could give us to help train the conscious mind to remember dreams?


I am Q’uo, and am aware of the query, my brother. We find that this is quite a practical question with quite practical answers, and that no single method is effective for all individuals. But we may highlight that the most important aspect of this dynamic is to set the intention regularly and consciously; and in the light of this, we would suggest that before entering a state of sleep, the seeker—through affirmation, whether spoken aloud or internally—declare to the self and to the unconscious mind the sincere desire to come into a relationship and to develop this relationship through remembering that which occurred in the dream.

This may not seem an effective method initially, but if it is repeated over a period of time, the charge generated by this continuously stated intention grows to the point where the magical potential is then tapped by both the conscious and unconscious mind. This may be one of the most effective methods if it is practiced with patience and faith that it is not done fruitlessly if results do not appear immediately.

Another suggestion we may have for seekers wishing to remember that which occurs within their dream state is to bring those memories into the waking state in a solid way as quickly as possible upon waking. This may interrupt your typical cycles of sleep, for if a seeker awakes in the middle of the evening or the night with the faint impression of a dream upon their minds, it would require the seeker to bring the self fully into a waking state to record this impression, yet, we find that doing so helps to, shall we say, pave the pathway of remembrance in the waking state. And as this method is repeated, then more and more the seeker may consciously recall those things occurring in the dream state without needing to record them with such immediacy upon waking.

Any method that the seeker can adopt in order to do this in an easy way that does not disrupt the sleep cycle too much is encouraged, but it is an important aspect of beginning this relationship that not only helps to develop the brain and the mind in this way, but solidifies the intention of the self and expresses the dedication of the self that this is a work that one truly wishes to partake in, and this reinforcement then builds in its effectiveness with each iteration.” (Saturday Meditation © 2023 by L/L Research (Louisville, KY))

Additional notes:

* When setting an intention to work with dreams, it’s important to demonstrate dedication to this type of work. How does one prove such commitment? Well, first of all, by the consistency of creating this intention. And secondly (and more importantly, in my opinion), by doing the work itself. This means that every time the dreamer wakes up, he/she makes an effort to record the dream. Even if nothing is remembered, writing down at least some words about the dream experience is already a solid start to such work.

For example, you might write in your dream journal, “All I remember is that I was on the train (or at school, or with someone),” or “I remember that this dream was sad,” or “I felt good when I woke up,” or “I couldn’t remember anything about this dream”.

By doing this work, you are not only training your memory and the automatic habit of reaching for your journal when you wake up, but you are also demonstrating a firm intention to do this tedious work in spite of difficulties.

* Another useful suggestion is to use a voice recorder instead of a dream journal. This will allow you not to disturb your sleep too much and also to record more information from the dream.

(If you use your cell phone to record your dreams and keep it near your bed, make sure it’s turned off to avoid harmful radiation.)

* The above excerpt from the session with Q’uo is so strikingly similar to the chapter in my book on working with dreams that it makes me wonder how much help we get from the higher beings when we write a book, for example…

Margarita AoteaRa © 2023