+ in English,  Working with Dreams

Q’uo about Nightmares

“We have not touched upon the nightmare for the nightmare is not a different kind of dream. A nightmare can be that which was caused by the happenings of the day, that which was caused by repeated trauma in childhood. The classic, shall we say, nightmare is simply that type of dream which is very, very useful to examine, for what is feared, how it is feared and what the situation that is feared is actually like, this sort of working with the dream is most helpful.

Now, we are aware that it is felt sometimes that there is some help in offering difficult images in the dreaming process. However, we may suggest that you protect yourself by praying as you sleep, that is, as you enter the state of sleep. A simple prayer, the Lord’s prayer or a simple childhood rhyme, thus surrounding yourself with the love and the light of the Creator which you remember instantaneously and Who instantaneously sheds grace abundant upon you.

The psychic greeting dream does exist but is so very specialized that it is extremely rare.

Realize that your own lives have shown you abuse, terror, shame, humiliation and many extremes you would much prefer not having experienced. All of this is catalyst and is dealt with largely on the subconscious level. So your nightmares are actually attempts to heal and are to be valued as much as the happiest dream, for they represent a valiant and courageous subconscious mind which is quite determined to see you through that which has made you fear something or someone.” – Q’uo* (April 12, 1989 – llresearch.org)


Every dreaming experience can be used for the benefit of the dreamer. Dreams are able to reveal hidden truth about ourselves: our distortions, traumas, biases, instincts, desires, potential, opportunities, abilities, limitations, fear etc. It’s what we do with the information received from our dreams that determines the usefulness of our dreaming experience. Even those of our dreams that were influenced by the negative entities can be turned into the healing and balancing tool (how it can be done – please read one of the previous articles: “Dreams influenced by the negative entities”).

As Ra said “The so-called dreaming contains a great deal which, if made available to the conscious mind and used, shall aid it in polarization to a great extent. The polarization … is necessary for harvestability from third density.”

In other words, if you are willing to graduate, pass the 3D final exams and not to repeat 3D lessons, then working with the content of your dreams is your “express ticket” for this ride.

With this purpose in mind I’ll be posting more articles about working with dreams for personal development, spiritual growth, positive polarization and ascension, i.e. about yogic approach to the dreams and dreaming experience.

Margarita AoteaRa.com