Hidden message of Dreams
Never judge a book by its cover. Don’t take your dreams at face value – seeing their literal meaning is just scratching the surface of an underlying bigger revelation. Even if a dream turned out to be a literal scene…
Removal of Starseeds – Why?
A few days ago, through my Dream Yoga practice I received a short but insightful information about the Starseeds’ removal from Earth. For me it was called “an evacuation of visitors”. I didn’t understand why I was given this information…
Seeing Repeating Numbers
When you start seeing repeating numbers in your waking life – what does it mean? «In terms of repeating numbers, it is interesting to know what number is being repeated. Sometimes, there is no meaning to the repetition except as…
Repetitive message of the Crop Circles
Cube is the prominent feature of these recent crop circles (marked by the blue lines on the picture), and it represents the third-density illusion (in other words, it symbolises the reality we perceive, the material world we live in). The…
Interpretation of the Crop Circle
I had a dream where I’ve got an assignment to draw two opposite hemispheres of Earth and one full sphere of Sun on the flat surface. Someone placed the Sun closer to one of the hemispheres, and I corrected it…
Physical Illnesses, Symbolism & Dreams
Usually when someone gets seriously ill they start thinking: What if my illness could be avoided, if I changed something in my life? The most someone can normally think of is changing their diet and choosing a healthier lifestyle. And…
3 years window predicted in 2017
Who in 2017 would believe that 2020 (the way it manifested) and the following years of madness will be real? I wouldn’t. And an interesting fact is that those who orchestrated this whole spectacle weren’t sure about the outcome either.…
Healing & Protection with the Divine Light Invocation
This is a yogic practice for using the power of our mind for healing & protecting ourselves and others with Light. The text below is copied from the book “Kundalini Yoga for the West” written by Swami Sivananda Radha (including…
Dreams as multifaceted objects
The quote below is especially useful when trying to decipher a dream that’s lacking a well-designed scenario or looks like a series of randomly selected scenes. In such cases it’s helpful to view the whole dream as a puzzle that…
Символизм времени Пасхальных праздников
Время между днем Весеннего Равноденствия и Пасхальным Воскресеньем – это своего рода астрономический туннель, когда Луна в своем движении к Полнолунию продолжает влиять на воды нашего подсознания и вытягивает из них, подставляя под яркие весенние лучи света сознания, те самые…