Multidimensional linguistics of the Law of One text
The distinctive feature of the information provided by Ra is that Ra selected each spoken word with such precision, that the text of “The Law of One” books can be rightfully called multidimensional. Adepts of this teaching claim that while re-reading the Ra Material over and over again, each time they uncover a new meaning in the same sentences and it seems like the information gets “unpacked” according to the level of knowledge and the worldview of the reader at the time of their studies.
Therefore, it is impossible to accurately translate the text of “The Law of One” books into any language: in any case, the multidimensional aspect and depth of embedded knowledge will be lost, irrespective of the translator’s proficiency. The Ra Material can only be interpreted by providing one’s own understanding of the concepts it contains, but in order to do it in a thoughtful manner and without significant distortions one has to work with the text recorded in the original language of the channelling (i.e. in English).
Clearly, this significantly limits the size of Ra’s audience, which is already not very broad. As a matter of fact, even for a native English-speaking reader, the text of “The Law of One” books is far from being easily understood. Most people explain it by the fact that Ra came from such a high plane of existence that it was too difficult for them to descend to the level of communication in a language that would be acceptable to an average person on earth.
There may be some truth in it. But there may be another reason for Ra’s use of extremely complex linguistic constructions. First, as mentioned above, Ra used the multi-variant nature of interpretation of certain words in such a way that when combined and placed in sentences in a specific order, these words produced a multidimensional text with the meaning being able to change depending on the reader (I’m going to provide an example of this experience in the corresponding video).
This kind of linguistic mastery does indeed demonstrate Ra’s belonging to higher planes of existence. But contrary to the popular assumption that Ra had difficulties while using our three-dimensional language (and that is why they produced such difficult-to-understand texts), the complex linguistics of the Ra Material can be seen as a proof that Ra are so proficient in the field of semantics that they were able to create a multidimensional text based on a three-dimensional language, which provides an opportunity for individual work with gradual unlocking of new layers of knowledge.
One way or another, the books “The Law of One. Ra Material” are not ” everybody’s cup of tea,” as many readers say, implying that this teaching is not always favoured by everyone. And first of all, obviously, this is due to the difficulty of understanding the text, which is a stumbling block for many people who are interested in this information.
Perhaps there is an additional purpose to this barrier, an intent to create a special kind of filter that discourages those seekers of truth who want to find an easy way for their search. Because the knowledge provided by Ra is by no means easy to internalize, nor is it simple to embody in life. Seeking answers to existential questions, self-discovery, personal transformation and spiritual growth – all of these evolutionary steps on the human path to the Infinite Creator require not only a desire to follow, but also a genuine effort to take these steps. And the study of the Ra Material as a source of information and guidance for that journey is also one of those laborious steps requiring effort and commitment.
Thus, after briefly describing the difficulties imposed on aspiring students of the Law of One, everyone who is able to read in English is advised to refer to the original source of information and try for him/herself to penetrate to the essence of the concepts presented therein (https://www.lawofone.info, https://www.llresearch.org ). This is an important caveat to keep in mind when reading any information about the Ra Material coming from secondary sources.
For those seekers who cannot study the Ra Material in the original form but would like to get familiar with the key concepts of the Law of One, and also for those who are open for receiving additional and original insights into this material, this website is supposed to be serving as a resource for this type of an in-depth study of “The Law of One”.
This complementary work of revealing the depth of the concepts in the Ra Material is undertaken by the author as a voluntary effort to serve the community by sharing a valuable, but often unavailable material that is able to provide invaluable food for the soul and mind of all those seekers who are striving for self-discovery, self-improvement, personal growth, spiritual development, untying the karmic knots and completing the circle of reincarnations in the third-density world.
As for the rest of the audience for whom this information may seem too far from what they would like to follow in their evolutionary journey, then the most appropriate advice would be the one coming from L/L Research ”please use your discrimination and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind, for neither we nor those of the Confederation would wish to be a stumbling block for any”. For each seeker chooses their own path, and also the speed of progress along that path. It is quite possible that the knowledge that was once foreign to them will, after some time, be what they are looking for and what they have become ready for. Or maybe it won’t.
Here is what Ra said about their teaching in this regard:
“We are not available to many of your peoples, for this is not an easily understood way of communication or type of philosophy. However, our very being is hopefully a poignant example of both the necessity and the near-hopelessness of attempting to teach.
Each of those in this group is striving to use, digest, and diversify the information which we are sending this instrument, into the channels of the mind/body/spirit complex, without distortion. The few whom you will illuminate by sharing your light are far more than enough reason for the greatest possible effort. To serve one is to serve all.” (“The Law of One”, session 1, https://www.lawofone.info/s/1)
Author © Margarita AoteaRa (Rita Lev), 2022
About the Author: Rita Lev is an author and researcher in the field of working with consciousness, a philosopher and mystic, a long-term adept of Dream Yoga and a student of Ra.
The author’s published books are:
* The book “The Language of Dreams. The Bridge to the Unknown” [ISBN: 978-5-0051-3355-7, 2020, 210 pp., language: Russian] is the result of the author’s years of research and study of tens of thousands of dreams. This educational book contains original methodologies that allow any reader to be able to understand their dreams independently (without the use of dream dictionaries and/or interpreters) and put them into practice for resolving their inner problems and for improving their lives. https://ridero.ru/books/yazyk_snovidenii/
* The book “The Nature of Fear. Removing Blockages from a Human Energy System.” [ISBN: 978-5-4496-4803-7, 2019, 50 pp., language: Russian] is intended for a wide range of audiences who are interested in unblocking energy in the body by finding the psychological causes of existing blockages. The book explains which areas of life correspond to the different energy centers of the human body, and how to restore the flow of energy in them: https://ridero.ru/books/priroda_strakha/
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