+ in English,  Working with Dreams

Frustration and Delight of Dreamwork

Even though dreams have helped me through many difficult situations in my life, given me early warnings of undesirable future catalysts, revealed hidden truths and other perspectives, I still periodically get very frustrated with dreams, in particular with their cryptic nature. Basically, my irritation boils down to the biggest disagreement I have with this reality – the presence of the Veil – the main source of our limitation and pain, which, by the way, is nothing but a lie, in my humble but firm opinion.

Thus, dreams owe their symbolic nature in large part to the existence of the veil, which filters and distorts virtually every message that comes to the conscious mind from the mysterious unconscious. Metaphor is the best tool for distorting direct messages, turning them into very general, vague, and seemingly unrealistic images that can easily be ignored or misinterpreted, accidentally or intentionally.

Such a lack of directness and clarity of dream messages can be quite exhausting and grueling, especially when one is seeking straight answers and direct guidance. That’s why I find it profoundly delightful, like witnessing a ray of sun penetrating a thick cloud, when a dream delivers a straightforward message that can be seen as clearly as daylight, even if it’s still presented in the form of a metaphor. Remarkably, these types of dreams often refer to well-known wisdom truths, including those from the Bible – the book itself full of metaphors that are undeniably similar to the dream scenarios.

I’ll illustrate this with a recent example, in which the dreamer met her long-dead grandfather, who gave her a special gift – a box completely filled with nothing but pieces of bread. He proudly referred to it as his gift to the dreamer and her children. Obviously, the dream was pointing to a multigenerational pattern that needed to be seen and perhaps reevaluated in terms of the well-known Bible verse “Man shall not live by bread alone”.

Dreams of this abstract nature are my favorite type, for their message is usually quite general and can be applied to everyone, not just the dreamer. Personally, I perceive these dreams as gifts from our spiritual guides, who periodically amuse themselves with the game of charades. Isn’t this a great example of learning to appreciate the “cosmic humor of living in physical vehicles made of clay” (something I have always struggled with)?

Author: Margarita AoteaRa.com ©2024

“We wish to speak about that which is so often removed from the point of view of spiritual seekers, and that is the sense of humor, the sense of proportion, and the light touch. It would seem that when a seeker tackles the great questions of truth and life and being, every effort must be focused and there is no time for frivolity. Yet, the greatest lessons are those learned by balanced souls, and usually the balance of an incarnated soul is the product of a generous sprinkling of the small vices, excesses and overages of your Earth… This makes each seeker aware of its own imperfection, and allows the seeker to see the cosmic humor of living in physical vehicles made of clay.” – Latwii
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