+ in English,  Working with Dreams

Dream Yoga, war and Q’uo

Immediate application of the dream message

When working with dreams according to the principles of dream yoga, it’s important not only to decode the message of the dream, but also to apply this message in the real life. Without an application, dreamwork is superficial and can’t be called Dream Yoga. Sometimes it’s the absence of efforts to implement the dream message in real life that causes dreamers to lose their ability to recall dreams. And it totally makes sense: if provided material is not being properly used, then there is no reason to provide this information further.

Though it may be equally challenging to understand how to apply the dream message as to decode it. Sometimes it may take many days or weeks to recognize the situation in dreamer’s life where the dream message is relevant and should be used. But very often dreams speak about something that already happened and the dream message is intended for acknowledging an error in the past and correcting it in the future similar circumstances.

To illustrate the implementation part of dreamwork, I’m going to share an example from my recent dream yoga practice.

A couple of nights ago I had a very clear dream where I was sitting in the back of a big auditorium full of people, and suddenly a faint memory of a well-known song came to my mind. So I quietly hummed just one word from this song – “Life”, and a student next to me heard it, recognised the song and sang two lines from it. What happened next was very symbolic: students who were sitting in front of us picked up this song and after a short while the whole class was singing all together this well-known in the past, but recently forgotten song!

I wanted to tell everyone how it all started (with me just humming one word and the next person continuing), but no one was asking. I was still sitting in the back, but other students started to stand up and go forward, so I remained quiet. The overall feeling of the dream was very positive and motivational.

When I woke up from this dream I understood that there must be a good reason for the message of this dream being so easy to depict (usually my dreams are way much more complicated!) So, I decided that this dream was either coming from an external guide (who is more direct in their communication than my own subconsciousness) or this dream carries a stronger encouragement for implementing its message in my real life (“there is nothing here to doubt about, it’s all clear to you – so, just do it!”), or perhaps it’s a combination of both reasons.

So, I quickly decoded the message of this dream, which was about giving it a go, starting to do something, showing an example, even on the small scale when I think that nobody cares. Because there will be someone, even one person, who will see my example or will hear my message and it will resonate with him/her. And then, when this person “picks up this song”, it will be heard by the next row of people, who will resonate with it and start singing. And very soon the whole huge group of people will be singing in unison, following an example of each other and encouraging others to join. And of course, no one will be wondering who started it first, and there will be others who would take a credit for that, but does it really matter for me? In other words, if you want to change the world, start with yourself and with your immediate environment, and eventually your effort, even a subtle one, if it resonates with at least one more person, may spread to the entire world.

So, the message of this dream was decoded. Now I just had to keep it in mind and to recall it when a suitable situation would appear in my life, which happened almost immediately.

In the same morning I was going through my phone while still being in bed and I saw my friend posted her dream asking for a help with its interpretation. When I read her dream it was as clear to me as my own. The symbolism was obviously simplified and the logical sequence was unusually straightforward, plus sometimes I’m able to get this deep intuitive knowledge about certain dreams of other people that often make me wonder about the cause of my sudden psychic abilities regarding particular people… Anyway, after understanding what her dream was trying to tell her, I turned off my phone and decided not to get involved in this discussion.

The problem with this particular case was that the dream was pointing to something that this person doesn’t see in her own world, but she is able to see this type of wrongdoings of others. Quite typical problem, isn’t it? Am I the one who should tell her about it? I don’t think so. Especially in this case, where the subject of wrongdoings was related with dreamer’s personal attitude towards a warfare of one particular country, but the dream was clearly pointing to the fact that her own country has been engaged in the same type of bellicose actions for a very long time.

So, I was laying in my bed, feeling that I’m suffocating my own voice that wants to tell to the whole world: people, please look at the current catalyst of war that everyone is so upset about and use it for understanding that it’s not just this war that is wrong, but EVERY war on this planet is wrong, no matter what politicians and mass media are telling you. Victims of any war are people of the same value EVERYWHERE, every life is equally precious and there can be no acceptable reasons for justifying an act of taking someone’s life, if you are looking at the world with your own open heart! Opening your heart, even when you have to go against your pre-programmed belief system and well-established narrative – this is the goal of your current incarnation on Earth. If you don’t open your heart now, you will be stuck in the third density for another huge cycle of time (25,000 -75,000 years!)

My initial decision not to voice this message was caused by my own understanding that these words won’t be received by public in the intended way since I’m coming from a Russian background which is being widely condemned these days exactly in regards to war. But at the same time the message of my own dream from the same night could be viewed as an encouragement to express my view at least to this one particular friend. So, going against my own ethical rules, I tried to give a hint to my American friend regarding the meaning of her dream (in the most diplomatic way possible for my abilities). As I expected, it made her upset (that’s why I usually don’t interpret “difficult-to-face-the-truth” dreams to most people – dreams are very personal messages that can be embarrassing to share with others).

So, that was it? Right dream message applied to the wrong situation? Or maybe the situation was right, but the application could be done better? I intuitively felt that there was more to my dream than just this simple message of using my voice. After spending some time in a meditative contemplation I was able to feel and understand the invisible hint that was hidden underneath the surface and could only be felt by the dreamer (by me, in this case) – I remembered that Q’uo already did a really great job at the beginning of March 2022 , expressing their view on the current situation of war when talking to the group of American seekers. Q’uo did it in such a perfect way that all I had to do is to borrow their way of delivering this message and suggest it as an interpretation of my friend’s dream (content-wise a bit stretched, but still absolutely valid message).

I advise everyone to read the whole session of Q’uo (link is by the end of this article). Here I’ll extract only what I needed for my own message to my American friend, whose dream I was trying to interpret in the best possible and non-judgemental way. Q’uo did say that this war that everyone right now is so focused on is not the only war of this kind on our planet: they “witnessed many situations very similar to what has transpired in your recent days”. But what matters now is to use this catalyst (that was finally able to trigger a perceivable reaction in people) in order to look within and to learn about the Self:  “to examine the present moment in which the significance of this event feels so powerful, and look to those biases and distortions within the self that cause this moment and this event to conjure such a reaction.”

And then this higher-density group of entities, with all their higher dimensional wisdom and kindness, were able to speak in the most gentle manner to the people who were previously oblivious to the wrongdoings of their own governments, and to explain them how to process this catalyst without feeling shame for their previous closed-heart-ness and, the most importantly, how to grow from this experience: “We mention this not to attempt to judge or shame any individual for feeling any particular reaction, but to encourage one to enter the heart where it has now been opened, to swim in these waters of emotion and allow it to flow freely, and in doing so, realize that the opportunity for this depth of feeling has been present in many ways and in many places within your lives and within the long history of your planet. That you feel these things now and not previously is not something to be discouraging or ashamed of, but rather the opposite—that there is now an opportunity to bring this emotion to bear, to allow it to fill your being, and to feel it in its entirety, is a blessing that you may take from your personal situation. Not to make light of the suffering that has encouraged this reaction, but that the catalyst of the suffering that you view has now landed effectively, and the potential to use this catalyst to open the heart more to discover deeper understanding of the self, and how the self may serve others, how one may come to relate to all other selves — this potential is now available in ways that it has not been in the past.”

As usual, Q’uo did that in such a kind and diplomatic way that can’t be compared with my own (even carefully chosen!) words that I used at my first attempt to interpret the dream of my American friend. So, I used the material of this session and send her the link saying that she may find the answers there.

I don’t know if she did understand the whole message or not, because different people are at the different stages of readiness for facing the truth. Q’uo obviously knew that their own channelling group was ready to receive this information and that these conscientious souls would feel bad about discovering their previously closed hearts, so Q’uo made sure that nobody feels judged or shamed when they deliver their message. Please read it here by yourself – it’s so eye-opening and delivered in such genius way!  

And now back to my own dream – who started this song with the key word “Life”?..

Perhaps it doesn’t matter, right? If each of us remembers about the sacredness of EVERY life on Earth and “sings” this understanding within their immediate environment, for example during a conversation with a friend, then eventually and subsequently more and more people will hear and recall this well-known, but recently forgotten song, and soon the whole world will be singing in unison the sacred song “Life”.

Author © Margarita AoteaRa, March 2022