+ in English,  Working with Dreams

Dream: Snake Venom, Vах & Enforced Medical Treatments

Below is one of two dreams that are pointing to the current state of our medical system.

In this dream I was watching a scary movie based on Steven King’s book (that usually doesn’t have a happy ending). The main character – a young Boy – was walking his dog around the pool in the park when he met an evil man who was covertly doing experiments on animals. This man gave a snake to the Boy. Normally the Boy’s dog was able to play with snakes without being harmed, but little did he know that this time the snake was modified into a poisonous creature who bit the Boy and made him very sick.

After meeting with this evil man, the Boy brought home a lot of money, which was unlucky because nobody noticed him being dangerously poisoned – everyone was occupied with collecting the money and running to the bank to pay their debts. Only one old lady came to check on the Boy, but after seeing that he is really sick, all she did was trying to calm him down and make him go to sleep instead of calling an ambulance and getting him to emergency care immediately, since he was bit by the poisonous snake.

This dream was reflecting the situation with recent vacсinе-injured people, especially youth, where instead of the real research into the very substance that injured/killed them and urgently providing them with an antidote based on the true understanding of what’s going on in their body after being injected with the unknown and experimental substance, the medical system is trying to treat only their symptoms, calming them down in hopes of putting this problem to rest and basically delaying the outcome.

Regarding the government sponsorship of the media & medical systems in terms of sharing the information about соvid vacсinеs – this is really unfortunate for the vах injured people, because their stories are not sponsored to be made known and researched.  Much worse, everyone who is working in these sponsored establishments have their personal reasons to hide such stories, because disclosing this information will eventually ruin them financially.

Our family is personally witnessing this horrific situation.  This dream scenario is what happened to a young boy in his early twenties whom we love very much. He was very active and healthy prior to being coerced into taking the С-19-shot in December 2021.

It’s a real-life horror movie that we are watching – The life struggle of a vacсinе-injured boy, where the medical system is doing nothing to address the real cause of his two recent (Dec’ 21) heart attacks and serious heart illness. All that the doctors do is send him home from ER with usual painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, hoping that his body will overcome by itself something that they don’t care to research, study and act upon as true specialists.

Our family friend is being treated in the same way as the Boy from my dream, who was bit by a poisonous snake and urgently needed antivenom but instead was urged to go to sleep. Isn’t it a dangerous and irresponsible practice that’s being done a multitude of times in numerous hospitals around the world where the influx of young people with heart attacks, strokes and acute heart illnesses is unprecedentedly high these days?

For how long are we going to allow our children who were bit by the poisonous snake to receive sleeping pills instead of the antivenom that needs to be urgently found by the very doctors that we are sending our children for receiving professional help? I’m not even mentioning the reasons for letting our children get poisoned at the first place (it’s coming in the next dream)…

The next dream is speaking on the same subject, but from additional angle that applies to everyone, not only to the соv-19-vacсinе-injured people.

The setting of this dream was in a hospital, where some patients were discussing the possibility of refusing a doctor’s advice about going through an invasive medical procedure. Someone was asking if anyone ever refused to follow the doctor’s prescription and how did it end.

Meanwhile, there was a whole team of doctors and military personnel who were going from one room to another, persuading the patients to take an intended treatment. So, everyone knew how challenging it would be to withstand this kind of pressure.

There was a frozen pond in the yard of this hospital, where a drunk celebrity decided to jump into and others followed his example. In horror I was watching through the window their frozen bodies lifelessly floating under the water (the actor himself just disappeared). All I could do was to scream for help, because I could see numerous residents of the adjacent building walking around and minding their own business right there, near the pond.

Despite of my desperate cries for help these residents were not responding. They simply didn’t care to help victims of this bold experiment of jumping into their pool. I was shocked and disappointed.

Later someone from my family (she is nurse in real life) decided to cancel her reservation at that adjacent building, after she learnt that its residents ignored numerous cries for help.

I’m not going to get into every detail of interpretation of this dream, so that this publication doesn’t get too long. But I’ll briefly summarise the message that was conveyed here.

Now, when we are witnessing how the medical establishment is treating the victims of experimental medical procedures that were enforced on the whole society by using all possible means, including influence of celebrities and law enforcement…

Now when we are witnessing that these victims are not treated with proper, scientifically- developed antidotes for the substance they got injected with (which is an experimental material of unknown origins and content that causes damage of body tissues similar to the snake venom poisoning)…

 Now when we are witnessing that, instead of doing their own research, these specialists are addressing only symptoms in an attempt to cover-up the effects with painkillers and similar drugs…

Now when we are witnessing that residents of medical establishments (nurses, doctors, admins etc.) refuse to draw an obvious connection between recently-implemented experimental treatments (vах) with an unprecedentedly high influx of young people with heart attacks, strokes and acute heart illnesses being constantly brought to their premises…

Now… now… now… after witnessing all of that, isn’t it easy to answer the question that this dream was posing when asked about refusing a heavily pushed medical procedure? We already witnessed everything in this chain of events in order to make this decision: first it’s being forced on you and if you become a victim of the medical error, you’ll be ignored and silenced. Never heard of any с-vaх-injured people? This is why – they are Ignored and Silenced. Silenced!

So, for those who “booked a room” in this establishment – are you really willing to become one of these residents, who keep ignoring cries for professional help because they don’t have enough courage to step outside their comfort zone and “dive in the icy pool”?

Are you going to turn your Hippocratic Oath into Hypocritical Position of someone whose top priority is not about helping people to become truly healthy, but about making money on prescribing symptom-treating drugs and at the same time being ready to support any political/economical agenda that has a power over your wellbeing? Please, don’t. Or don’t book a room for yourself in this establishment.

Thank you for listening!

Margarita AoteaRa, 2022