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Reason for my lengthy articles
I had a dream last night that Hitler picked 3-4 people from our group (including me) for execution. The reason for my execution was that I didn’t learn to write short articles (mine were too lengthy by Hitler’s standards), while…
Subconscious clues
Fleeting thought, transient feeling, momentary emotion, vague memory… Every life experience is full of information that mostly stays behind the border of our conscious awareness. But very often our reaction to a certain catalyst/event is based purely on the feeling…
Forgiveness stops Karma
From the position of our Higher Self it’s not difficult to see the blockages of energy (or "karmic knots") created by our unloving thoughts and feelings towards a particular person or towards a part of ourselves. And if our shift…
Learning life lessons without painful experiences?
Can we grow by going through pain and difficulties? Normally, yes. Can we avoid the pain, but still grow? Yes, but there are conditions. This short article is exploring this subject. We live in the dual world where good times…
Ra Archetypes and Dreams
Can the archetypes (as described in the Law of One) appear in our dreams?
Why doing an inner-work can be difficult?
“Every day there was an elderly couple sitting on the porch in their rocking chairs. And there was a whining dog laying on the floor between his masters. When someone asked this couple why their dog is always whining, they…
Multidimensional linguistics of the Law of One text
The distinctive feature of the information provided by Ra is that Ra selected each spoken word with such precision, that the text of “The Law of One" books can be rightfully called multidimensional. Adepts of this teaching claim that while…
Hidden message of Dreams
Never judge a book by its cover. Don’t take your dreams at face value – seeing their literal meaning is just scratching the surface of an underlying bigger revelation. Even if a dream turned out to be a literal scene…
Removal of Starseeds – Why?
A few days ago, through my Dream Yoga practice I received a short but insightful information about the Starseeds’ removal from Earth. For me it was called “an evacuation of visitors”. I didn’t understand why I was given this information…
Seeing Repeating Numbers
When you start seeing repeating numbers in your waking life – what does it mean? «In terms of repeating numbers, it is interesting to know what number is being repeated. Sometimes, there is no meaning to the repetition except as…