Veganism is a state of mind first, and diet is only a reflection of that state
+ in English,  Self-Healing

From veganism to carnivorism?

Veganism is a state of mind first, and diet is only a reflection of that state.

As I watch another member of the vegan community switch to a fully carnivorous diet, I am honestly not surprised. Not because I think the consumption of meat is necessary (I myself have been a vegan/fruitarian for almost 10 years now), but because I see the reason for this 180-degree turn.

Doesn’t it seem curious that the loudest propagandists of veganism, the ones who want to convert everyone to veganism, and especially the ones who harshly condemn anyone who goes against their belief system, are the very vegan activists who suddenly announce that they have to switch to eating meat because veganism almost killed them? And many of them begin to promote the carnivorous diet as the only proper diet for any human being.

There are, however, wiser individuals among them who claim that such a dietary change is a personal choice that suits them personally and not necessarily for everyone. However, I have never met any of the aforementioned post-vegan meat-eaters who, after years of demonstrative and self-righteous veganism, were able to recognize the underlying cause of their inevitable transition to eating meat. If you ask them, they will probably give you the superficial causes, or rather symptoms – such as an imbalance in body chemistry/hormones, deterioration of certain tissues, lack of energy, low mood, etc.

A close friend of mine shared that he can’t stay on a vegan diet because without eating meat, he starts to feel too “weak” emotionally, i.e., he becomes soft and unable to stand up for himself. This explanation is closer to what may really be behind the inability of many vegans to maintain a balanced physical state on a plant-based diet.

The fact is that plants and plant-based foods mean peace, tranquility, absence of any kind of aggression, unceasing pursuit of light, and so on. In addition, the energy of fresh fruits and vegetables is the vibration of purity and joy, lightness and a natural, carefree way of being. So if a person’s mental-emotional state does not match these vibrations, he will not get enough energy from plants, or better to say, he will lack energy of a different kind. In other words, through food, a person will tune his physical body to one type of vibration, but at the same time his mental/emotional body will exist in a completely different energetic state, and thus there will be an overall energetic imbalance between his physical and mental/emotional systems. Over time, this imbalance will begin to affect his health and manifest itself as the symptoms that cause many vegans to turn to foods whose vibrations are more suited to their inner state.

In most cases, this transition is not made fully consciously, and there is no parallel drawn between one’s inner state and the diet that corresponds to it. Like modern medicine, few people try to look deeper than what is on the physical plane, and most are skeptical of what is called “metaphysics”. But there, on the plane of existence invisible to modern science, are the clues to most of our physical problems.

At the same time, it is not correct to say that every failed vegan carries excessive aggression in his heart and is therefore incapable of staying on a plant-based diet. Often our inner world is under so much pressure from the external environment that the most peaceful and balanced people can begin to experience atypical emotions and have less than innocent thoughts. Many of you are probably familiar with a popular case in which an Indian yogi who lived on prana was invited to undergo a test – to see if he really did not eat or drink anything, and his body remained medically normal. After a certain period of time in a hospital room with numerous analyses, monitors, etc., this wise old man of course became unwell.

Even if we assume that he wasn’t cheating and really didn’t need food and water for many years during his typical yogic life, what happened to him in the hospital is not at all surprising. After all, he had lived for many years in such a homeostasis with his environment that he had learned to exchange energies with his environment on a subtle energetic level without the support of food. And he was able to do this, of course, by maintaining a balanced state, being in peace, stillness, silence, meditation and harmony with his environment. But when he was placed in a completely different environment, he was apparently not able to maintain the same inner balance and continue to receive energy from the subtle planes.

Likewise, we modern humans, trying to survive in a highly competitive and often unsafe environment, must maintain within ourselves such traits that would enable us to compete, win, fight and defend ourselves against external forces. Figuratively speaking, we feed the lions, wolves, and other predators that inhabit our inner world, and they need appropriate food. Is this state of being normal, a necessity? This is another question related to the subject of spiritual evolution, but for the sake of the main subject of this article we won’t go into it here.

Therefore, when we talk about those vegan warriors who are scandalous by nature and who constantly harbor such emotions and traits as resentment, anger, aggression, judgment, etc., it becomes obvious that they will not be able to get the energy corresponding to their inner state from plants alone. And if they do not change anything about themselves and continue as they are, without finding a suitable source of energy for their state of being in the form of food, they will create an imbalance between their emotional-mental state and their physical body, and as a result they will eventually become ill.

Again, it is not very difficult to understand what is happening using logical reasoning such as the above, but not many people are willing to find out. But the reason for this ignorance is quite understandable. After all, a person who is naturally inclined to push his opinion, to condemn, to be angry at “the wrong ones”, and so on, usually also has an unshakable confidence in his righteousness. Therefore, to tell such a vegan scandalist that he is in fact a carnivore on a mental-emotional level because he is constantly “gnawing and biting” everyone, is to provoke in him a furious anger and a complete rejection of this idea. Therefore, in such people, the underlying cause of their inability to maintain a vegan diet usually remains undiscovered.

In general, of course, there are a number of different visible/superficial causes of physical ailments in both vegans and followers of other diets. Lack of certain elements, inability to absorb nutrients, unhealthy eating habits, unbalanced food choices, consumption of toxic food additives, alcohol, and many others – these are numerous and well-known causes of physical disorders, but behind all these purely physical factors there are always underlying distortions on a spiritual and mental-emotional level.

For example, when food becomes a cult, and maintaining a certain diet is seen as an achievement to be boasted about and to elevate oneself above others, then for such an individual, any food they consume won’t provide what is intended, because when viewed in this way, food loses its true purpose – to nourish the body, not the ego. Thus, this person will be forced to turn to other foods, often the very foods for which he/she has harshly criticized others, humiliating, and condescendingly calling them unawakened, low vibrational, murderers, and so on.

One could certainly call it karma and say that life itself has put this individual in his place and made him learn the lesson of humility, understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness. But is the lesson always understood? What happens in most cases is that after replacing one diet with another, but without replacing pride with humility and judgment with forgiveness, such an individual continues to create a cult out of his new diet, boisterously claiming that he has reached a new pinnacle of realization of truth that his opponents have not yet reached. And the lesson remains unlearned, the food is used to feed the ego, and the whole situation gradually manifests as a new physical disorder. This is how the next catalyst is created, which is intended for a person to discover and change certain mental distortions in himself and thus get out of the vicious circle of repeating problems. But this connection between the physical and the non-physical is unfortunately still underexplored, otherwise many problems in life could have been avoided.

Obviously, not everyone is aware of the connection between body and mind, the physical and the metaphysical. But even those who have heard about it and are interested in psychosomatics, for example, are not always sure how to recognize this cause-and-effect relationship. So in conclusion, when talking about problems that have deep roots, I recommend a couple of well-known methods that allow us to see those roots. First, it’s meditation, where the conscious mind becomes quiet and opens to receive information from the deeper roots of the bigger mind. And second, working with dreams, which always contain a wealth of helpful information, hints, and sometimes recommendations that come from the Higher Self just when life needs them. But the metaphorical language of dreams (and also of day visions) must be interpreted so that we do not get carried away by a beautiful metaphor and stray from the truth, which does not always look as attractive as a lie.

Author: Margarita ©2024 (Rita Lev)

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About the Author: Rita Lev is an author of books & articles on the subject of working with consciousness. Her published books include:

  • “The Language of Dreams. Bridge to the Unknown” [ISBN: 978-5-0051-3355-7, 2020, 210 pages, in Russian (English edition is in progress – watch this space)]. The book is the result of the author’s years of research into tens of thousands of dreams. This book/tutorial contains original methods that will enable readers to understand their dreams on their own (without dream dictionaries and/or intermediaries) and to put dream messages into practice for solving their inner problems and improving their lives:
  • “The Nature of Fear. Removing Blockages from the Human Energy System” [ISBN: 978-5-4496-4803-7, 2019, 50 pages, in Russian]. The book is intended for a wide range of readers who are interested in unblocking the energies in their bodies by finding and working with the psychological causes of existing blockages. The book explains which areas of everyday life correspond to different energy centers in the human body and how to restore the flow of energy in them through inner work:
  • A collection of channeled poems “Reveal to me, Goddess!” on mystical and philosophical existential themes [ISBN: 978-5-0062-8576-7, 2024, 106 pages, in Russian]: