+ in English,  Law of One,  Working with Dreams

Male-Female imbalance

Our modern society is heavily based on masculine principles, which certainly makes it unbalanced, and nowadays there is a constant cry for the empowerment of women, but often at the cost of discriminating against men, which is the way to the opposite kind of imbalance. The solution is not to be found in the external environment, but within each individual self, for every human being is endowed with both principles: feminine and masculine, and the key is to create a balance between them in one’s own inner world.

Someone may argue that the following quote from The Law of One is not true because there is no evidence to prove it: “… each biological male is female; each biological female is male”. Well, I’ll offer you both: theory and practical examples to find out for yourself.

The first (theory) comes from the famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, who developed a rather profound teaching about “anima” and “animus”, which basically represent the feminine counterpart of a biological male and the masculine side of a biological female, respectively.

Anyone who has worked with their dreams (and Jung analyzed many hundreds of them) knows that many dreams reveal the imbalance between male and female principles in the dreamer’s psyche by showing the same type of scenarios of conflict between female and male characters. These typical “anima” and “animus” dreams are something that everyone can have at some point in life or in some situation, but very often they go unnoticed because their symbolism isn’t always easy to decipher.

But recognizing the patterns, for example, when our masculine side overpowers our feminine principle, would be quite beneficial, as it would make us more balanced and whole human beings, and also spare us from the typical situations/examples that demonstrate our inner imbalance to the outside world.

An example. Let’s imagine a typical “manly man” – someone who looks like he came out of the screen of a typical Western. It would be really naive to think that a “real cowboy” has no feminine traits. Yes, these macho-men usually try to erase anything feminine from their manners and personality and suppress their inner woman (“anima”) so much that at some (weak) point she will find her way out. And in this situation, the manly-man won’t be able to control his anima, which will erupt into some kind of hysteria and emotionally irrational behavior (which will later be attributed to the “unpredictable/enigmatic nature of a cowboy”:)).

But enough about drama. Just by observing yourself and others, it’s possible to see both sides – masculine and feminine – in every person. Speaking of cowboys, I spent enough time living on a ranch in North Dakota to discover that the real-life cowboys (the ones you’ll never see without a hat, belt, and toothpick) usually prefer coffee with milk and sugar (and a chocolate chip cookie, if possible), and they won’t try such a scary dish as roasted rattlesnake if offered as a challenge. On the other hand, the most feminine looking petite lady won’t turn down the chance to try the snake dish with her usual strong black coffee, no milk, no sugar.

I know it may look like a joke, but these are the real examples, and if you observe you’ll see more funny instances and not so funny ones. What’s sad is that our society functions almost exclusively on the basis of masculine principles. And this creates problems not only for men who have to suppress their emotional/intuitive side, but women face even bigger problem: they have to reject their biological nature and exaggerate their inner masculine side, enabling it to take control of almost every area of their lives.

This is the real core of the imbalance between feminine and masculine principles in our society: men who suppress the essential part of themselves – their inner woman, and women who have to think, feel and act like men, suppressing their own nature. Therefore, the solution is inner work on an individual level: first, recognizing the masculine and feminine principles within oneself, and second, observing the dynamics of their interaction and restoring the state of balance when necessary. As always, learning to interpret one’s own dreams is a shortcut in this inner work.

Here is a very interesting and insightful passage from the session with Q’uo where they talk about this subject: https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/2009/0411. If you decide to read it (and I highly recommend it), please note that they speak of the feminine principle, not the biological female, which “contains the key to the mystery of life”. As Q’uo said: “It is not that the biological female is more knowledgeable of spiritual things than the male. It is that the very essence of femininity, the archetypical nature, contains knowledge in a direct sense of truth”.

I think it’s very important to acknowledge this so that we don’t create more division in an already divided society. The main point is that every human being (male or female) has both sides, and it’s about nurturing, respecting and empowering the feminine principle within every human being, male and female.

Margarita AoteaRa ©2023

«For decades I always turned to the anima when I felt that my emotional behavior was disturbed, and that something had been constellated in the unconscious.
I would then ask the anima: “Now what are you up to? What do you see? I should like to know.”
After some resistance she regularly produced an image. As soon as the image was there, the unrest or sense of oppression vanished.
The whole energy of these emotions was transformed into interest in and curiosity about the image. I would speak with the anima about the images she communicated to me, for I had to try to understand them as best I could, just like a dream.» 
(Carl Jung, “Memories, Dreams and Reflections”)