+ in English,  Working with Dreams

Reason for my lengthy articles

I had a dream last night that Hitler picked 3-4 people from our group (including me) for execution. The reason for my execution was that I didn’t learn to write short articles (mine were too lengthy by Hitler’s standards), while other people became quite successful in short writing.

In this dream I couldn’t believe that it’s going to happen just like that – any minute I will be called out and killed right on the spot! That was quite a terrifying experience, but I didn’t want to conform to the requirements and/or beg the Dictator to leave me alive.

Interesting that everyone in this group actually liked me and felt sad about Hitler’s decision, but nobody would say anything in order to prevent it. It seemed like Hitler himself didn’t really dislike me and his decision to execute me was based on some sort of revenge/compensation for something…

I don’t remember how, but I was able to influence this Hitler-guy and to wake up his conscience whose inner voice he finally heard, and he cancelled his execution order. Everyone was happy that I was left alive and people were hugging me.

Well, as per interpretation of this dream, I would say that it’s quite literal in some parts: I do write lengthy articles that aren’t being read by people who are not used to reading and/or don’t have time. This is why they may “cancel” me (in whatever way, mostly by skipping my writings). But despite feeling sad about it, I’m not going to conform to the modern “TikTok culture” that shapes average attention span up to 1 minute.

Why am I not changing my style? That’s the main question that this dream implies. The answer is threefold:

1. Dream Yoga and the Law of One are quite complex subjects that I write about; in order to be understood they require lengthier verbiage than texts designed for the average online attention span.

2. I’m not getting paid for the job of writing a certain number of words etc. Sharing my knowledge with the public is a free gift, and it would be strange to distort this gift for satisfying the taste of unknown people (there is a good proverb about that: “Do not look a gift horse in the mouth”). Whoever is in need for this information will find it, the rest will pass by; and this is how it should be.

3. And the main reason why I’m not shortening my posts is my deep respect for the Dream Yoga which is a Practice. It’s a spiritual practice that needs Time to be set aside for doing this work.

Yes, our contemporaries are quite busy people, but they do create a space in their busy schedule for going to gym, for example, because they believe that developing certain groups of muscles have value.

Well, if developing a certain group of “spiritual muscles” is not viewed as valuable by someone, then this attitude is their choice and it needs to be acknowledged. Receiving divine guidance through the dreams doesn’t come from a momentary desire, but it requires a serious commitment to do the dreamwork on a regular basis. Not less regular than physical exercise or going to work or playing video games, watching movies etc.

Thus, if you are the only person who is reading my articles and find them useful, I’m happy about that. As Ra said at the beginning of their contact: “The few whom you will illuminate by sharing your light are far more than enough reason for the greatest possible effort. To serve one is to serve all.” And also: “We cannot offer shortcuts to enlightenment. Enlightenment is of the moment, is an opening to intelligent infinity. It can only be accomplished by the self, for the self. Another self cannot teach/learn enlightenment, but only teach/learn information, inspiration, or a sharing of love, of mystery, of the unknown that makes the other-self reach out and begin the seeking process that ends in a moment, but who can know when an entity will open the gate to the present?” (https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/ra-contact)

Author © Margarita AoteaRa, 2023