+ in English,  Law of One,  Spirituality & Metaphysics

Forgiveness stops Karma

When all of a sudden we dream about a person who has long been absent from our lives (but we still feel resentment, disapproval etc. towards this person), then such dreams usually do not refer to that person’s current life or feelings (after all, he/she may not be alive any longer). In most cases, this “unforgiven” dream character symbolizes the feelings and thoughts that we’re harbouring towards this person regarding our negative past experiences with him/her.

Obviously, such dream scenarios are shown to us for a reason. After all, from the position of our Higher Self it’s not difficult to see the blockages of energy (or “karmic knots”) created by our unloving thoughts and feelings towards a particular person or towards a part of ourselves. And if our shift into the fourth density of evolution depends on our ability to sustain an intense flow of unconditional love and light, then somebody with heavily blocked and unbalanced energy centres won’t be able to pass this test; and therefore they will have to go through an additional cycle of reincarnations where they will have to work on unblocking their flow of love by forgiving and releasing the bonds of karma.

According to Ra and associated sources, it is forgiveness that stops karma (or stops continuous spinning of the karmic wheel, generated by inertia/karma). Forgiving can be difficult, and in some cases, one might say, impossible. But without accomplishing the act of forgiveness, one will have to surrender oneself to the hands of destiny, whose archetypal design includes a mechanism for balancing karma. This process of balancing karma by a life’s design can take a long time and many lives. Now, at the end of the 3rd density, humanity has no time for numerous 3D reincarnations that could eventually balance their karma. That is why karma has to be stopped now, during this lifetime. And this can be done by forgiving oneself and/or others.

One important tendency to be noted is the following. Some people may think that forgiveness is a sign of weakness. This is a misconception, because forgiving one’s abuser does not mean choosing to go back to that person and allow oneself to be hurt again. The act of forgiveness is performed primarily for yourself – for getting off the karmic wheel that your offender has spun and you have been placed on it.

Dreams can provide important hints for the existing karmic ties and “debts” of a dreamer: they may depict this imbalance by using the symbolism of bank accounts, credit/debit transactions etc.

Here below I am sharing some quotes from “The Law of One” and Q’uo channellings, which provide very useful information for individual contemplation on this topic.

Author © Margarita AoteaRa, 2022
For reading/purchasing “The Law of One” books and Q’uo channelings please visit the L/L Research website

The Law of One:

Questioner: …Would you define karma?

Ra: I am Ra. Our understanding of karma is that which may be called inertia. Those actions which are put into motion will continue using the ways of balancing until such time as the controlling or higher principle which you may liken unto your braking or stopping is invoked. This stoppage of the inertia of action may be called forgiveness. These two concepts are inseparable.

Questioner: If an entity develops what is called a karma in an incarnation, is there then programming that sometimes occurs so that he will experience catalyst that will enable him to get to a point of forgiveness thereby alleviating the karma?

Ra: I am Ra. This is, in general, correct. However, both self and any involved other-self may, at any time through the process of understanding, acceptance, and forgiveness, ameliorate these patterns. This is true at any point in an incarnative pattern. Thus one who has set in motion an action may forgive itself and never again make that error. This also brakes or stops what you call karma.

From Q’uo:

“Only one thing stops the wheel of karma, and that is total forgiveness”.

“There is always a lack of forgiveness of the self that seems to be held more tightly than the forgiveness of others. You gaze too close into the mirror of this illusion and your manifestation within it. Your birthright is to be forgiven, to realize each self-perceived error and to forgive oneself for it, and move on”.

“The key to forgiveness of others is the forgiveness of the self. Release, release, release, give back to the forces of the universe those energies which are easily absorbed in infinity, and leave them not to pollute your own feelings, your mind, or your heart, but rather let forgiveness flow as a sweet river under the surface of all that you do and say.

Whatever your conceptions of yourself, if they be negative, release them. If you say to yourself, as this instrument does, “I am not pretty,” there is a hardness of heart that will spill over into karmic situations with others, into a lack of ability to forgive others”.

“Compassionate love includes being of service by speaking of difficult things. If you have not forgiven those difficult things, you will be speaking with a hard heart, and your judgment will be unfair. Only self-forgiven can you enter into the forgiveness of others”.

“Consequently, realize that you must stop the wheel of karma for yourself by completing a very thorough and earnest process of forgiveness of the self, forgiveness of the other self or situation, and forgiveness of the process that has taken place, on steps that seem to have been made clumsily or wrongly. You are perceiving yourself within an illusion. You can judge to the point of your own instinct, but you cannot judge finally. You simply judge, and forgive, to increase your own positive polarity” (Latwii).

“What occurs when forgiveness is withheld? You may see the separation immediately. The one who does not forgive is separated from the one who is not forgiven, and then the one who is not forgiven may choose not to forgive that, and there is further separation. Indeed, before a patching up and recombining of the energies of two who are thus separate can be achieved, four forgivenesses must take place. Each must forgive the other, and each must forgive the self.

This is perhaps the most common source of the lack of forgiveness among your peoples—the difficulty of forgiving the self for having seemingly failed. Also, and almost as common, there are those dynamic tensions betwixt members of the same family which involuntarily renew themselves and prohibit forgiveness”.

“If you find that you have a great ability to forgive others but not yourself, try to look at yourself as one of those other selves because all of those other selves are you. Give yourself a hug. Shake your hand. Tell yourself it’s going to be okay”.

“Lastly, we would say that when observing the self a certain level of humility is required when it comes to forgiving yourself. If you look at those who walk the path of service to self, you’ll see a great deal of pride, of elevating the self above others, and yet all issues of love with the self are simply discarded with this pride. It’s a slipcover for the feelings within to recognize that in order to truly know and face and forgive the self you must become vulnerable; you must remove all these outer layers of pride and the defense mechanisms you’ve set up in order to make yourself acceptable to both self and others. Simply stare at the self, face to face, and realize that you are no better or no worse then any other speck of life in the universe. See through the eyes of yourself”.

I have recorded a video about how the process of stopping karma through forgiveness works and how to forgive when it seems impossible. You can watch it in Russian here: https://youtu.be/2uuoE_MimaE

And an excerpt with English subtitles that explains the metaphysical side of forgiveness can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/YzE7Tm4god0